Does muscle pain means good workout?

You came home after training and you already feel tension in your muscles, the next day there is a huge inflammation, everything hurts, you can hardly walk. You are amazed by your muscle pain, telling to everyone how you killed your workout.
What did exactly you kill?
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Is muscle pain sign of a good workout?
How does muscle pain occurs?
Muscle pain is closely related to muscle fibre damage. Generally speaking, muscle inflammation tells us when we have managed to “break” the muscle. It occurs in 3 cases, which occur quite often at the same time:
1. When we do a movement we’re not used to. This is actually every movement in the gym for beginner and explains why beginners regularly get inflammation. The same is true if an experienced practitioner takes an extended vacation and immediately returns to strong training.
2. For movements that put maximum muscle load when it is in the extended position. I’m sure everyone is familiar with the inflammation of the hamstrings when they are doing with the Romanian deadlift or inflammation of the gluteus after the Bulgarian squat.
3. In the eccentric phase of the movement, popularly called “negative”. This is the part where in most exercises we lower the weight and the muscle is elongated while it is under load. Highlighting this phase will result in greater damage to the muscles and more inflammation.
Just because some muscle is under pain the day after, it did not mean that he was actually very active and that there was a good contraction. Let’s say the example from point 2 above. The gluteus is heavily pushed through the Bulgarian squat and people get inflammation, but it is NOT really very active.
Equal muscle growth is achieved with and without inflammation. Do not go for muscle pain after training, you will not have any use of it.
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