Protein cookies

We came across a simple recipe on this great profile of nikola_jurkovic_foodbae that we recommend to follow for more easy and delicious recipes!
What do I need?
- 35g of coconut flour
- 35g of grounded oat flakes
- 35g whey proteins, chocolate flavour
- 40g of peanut butter
- 1 egg
- 1 white egg
- baking powder
- baking soda
- stevia/sweetener
How to prepare protein cookies?
Shape them into cookies and compress with a fork that was previously in choco whey, it does not splatter and remains on top of biscuits for pure pleasure. Bake at 150 degrees for about 15 minutes.
This mixture is enough for 9 pieces!
Nutritional values for one cookie
calories | 86.5 |
protein | 7.2g |
carbs | 5.4g |
fat | 3.8g |
Bonus tip
These cookies fit great for dinner with a glass of warm milk 🙂
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