Running routes – Zagreb

Capital of Croatia is full of running routes, and for the start we will cover three tracks we consider simple for beginners, just to start with this activity.
Bundek – 1.600 meters
Circuit around the Bundek is 1 mile long so apart from its simplicity and practicality, the runner can determine how much it takes to run a mile.
The substrate is concrete, straight and without any prominences and lighting on this track makes it great for day and night running. Although the road is not far from the track, you won’t hear the traffic so much.
Jarun – 6.300 meters
The circle aroud Jarun is 6,300m long, but if you do not want pedestrians and cyclists, run along the main road where you will find a bicycle and a car, but nothing much.
Jarun is well separated from traffic and you won’t hear anything except birds, and the track has great lighting so you can choose the atmosphere that suits you (day or night).
The substrate is concrete / asphalt, without any roughness, depending on whether you run on the main road or on a pedestrian / cycling trail. Along the path, water springs are set so you can take a break and refresh yourself.
Maksimir – 1.000 meters
A very simple route for beginners in the beautiful Maksimir. Below is a description of the route by the points shown in the picture. The ground is covered with pebbles and illuminated for night running. At point C it is possible to get some mud when it rains.
You move from the main entrance and follow the path to the right (point B) until you reach the first Maksimir lake (point C). At the lakeside track, turn left and follow the path along the edge of the lake to the Jeke Pavilion. Go to the left of the Jeke Pavilion and cut the Maksimirski park (the main asphalt road leading to Vidikovac), after which the trail leads back to the main entrance (point D). Follow the path parallel to the Maksimir park (point E) and before heading to the main part (point F), swing briefly to the right across the wooden bridge and continue to the main entrance.
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